Each month, the investor.com Trust algorithm downloads the latest regulatory data from the SEC IAPD database. This data is compared to a number of factors specific to investor.com’s proprietary ranking methodology and advisors are given a score out of five possible points. Firms that earn a 4.5 or 5 point rating are eligible to receive the “Trusted by investor.com” badge. The Goff Financial Group pays a $3,000 annual fee to investor.com to be part of this ranking and to use the Trusted by investor.com badge. More information regarding investor.com’s ranking methodology can be found at https://investor.com/trust-algorithm.
The Goff Financial Group may pay third-party rating websites and online directories a fee to update their information and for use of a badge. More information regarding the third-party listings’ methodology can be found on their respective websites.
NAPFA Registered Financial Advisor Badge – https://www.napfa.org/what-is-a-nrfa
Paladin Registry Certified Badge – https://www.paladinregistry.com/about-advisors/qualifying-financial-advisors
Better Business Bureau – https://www.bbb.org/us/tx/houston/profile/investment-management/the-goff-financial-group-0915-90018652
Fee Only Badge – https://www.feeonlynetwork.com/about-fee-only-network/
AdvisoryHQ – https://www.advisoryhq.com/articles/advisoryhqs-methodology-for-selecting-top-advisors/
Wealthtender – https://wealthtender.com/financial-advisors/the-goff-financial-group/